About Me

Steven L. Josovitz: Vice President, Shumacher Restaurant Brokers
GABB Member: Broker Since 1992 | Business Broker: Since 1986

How long have you been with the company?

15 years

What role do you play within your company?

I head up the Business Brokerage Division.

What is the focus of your company, and how does it differentiate itself?

Commercial Restaurant Real Estate and Restaurant Business Brokerage. We are the of the oldest Restaurant Brokerage companies in Georgia that does site selection for National, Local and Regional restaurant chains in addition to representing Buyers and Sellers of business’s i.e. restaurants, clubs, bars, caterers, commissary’s, bakeries, sandwich shops, etc. In addition, we represent several retail chains in their search for locations. Finally, our organization does consulting and have been retained by law firms to do advising and or expert witness work.